Industrial Boiling and Cooling Water Treatment
Heat transfer and steam generating efficiency are critical factors for any heavy industrial manufacturer’s boiler and cooling water system. Inefficiencies caused by scaling, deposition and corrosion can reduce productivity and dramatically impact fuel costs, maintenance expenses, and emergency outages.

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Boiling and Cooling Water Treatment for Heavy Industrial
Incorporating equipment, chemistry, analytics, and field services, ACS will create a custom water treatment solution designed to ensure your boiler and cooling water system will continue to operate efficiently, safely and reliably.
Boiler Products for Heavy Industrial
Advanced Chemical System’s boiler water treatment chemicals have been formulated to improve the operation and maintenance of heavy industrial manufacturers’ boiler systems and steam generating plants. By addressing the challenges associated with scale formation, metallic corrosion, boiler water carryover and sludge deposition, ACS can ensure your boiler water system is operating at optimum efficiency.
Alkalinity Builders
Managing boiler water pH and alkalinity levels is critical to the operation and maintenance of boiler systems and steam generating plants. For optimal efficiency, it’s essential that the correct water conditions are maintained at all times. Advanced Chemical System’s alkalinity builders and pH adjusters are designed to increase operational efficiency by controlling pH levels in boiler systems, hot water systems, and steam generating plants.
Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors
The accumulation of scale and metallic corrosion are serious issues impacting the operation and maintenance of boiler systems and steam generating plants. Scale can cause localized overheating, reduced heat transfer efficiency and, ultimately, tube failure. Oxygen-related corrosion will attack metallic boiler components resulting in increased maintenance costs and reduced boiler efficiency. ACS will ensure your boiler systems are operating at optimum efficiency by treating water with carefully selected scale and corrosion inhibitors designed for boilers and steam generating plants.
Oxygen Scavengers
Oxygen-related metallic corrosion is an ongoing concern in the operation and maintenance of boiler systems and steam generating plants. If left untreated, oxygen will corrode metallic boiler components — leading to increased maintenance costs and reduced boiler efficiency. Advanced Chemical System’s oxygen scavengers are formulated to combat the harmful effects of oxygen-related corrosion in boiler systems, hot water systems, and steam generating plants. Our advanced formulations will reduce maintenance costs, optimize boiler efficiency, and extend plant and equipment life.
Steam Line Treatments
If left untreated, boiler condensate water can have pH’s of 5.0 to 6.5 — adding iron deposits to boilers, and corrosion to the steel piping in the condensate return lines. Neutralizing amines are a common steam line treatment that ACS recommends. These amines can be fed directly to the steam header, or in a water treatment solution along with other treatment chemicals.
Unwanted foaming can be problematic in many boiler and cooling water systems. As a result, foaming requires careful control measures to minimize or eliminate its impact. Advanced Chemical System’s antifoams, defoamers and foam control agents are formulated to control unwanted foam generation. These chemicals are ideal for use in steam generation and cooling water systems.
Sludge Conditioners
If left untreated, salt and suspended matter concentrations create sludge in boiler water. This sludge settles and eventually “bakes” onto the boiler heat transfer surfaces, forming a hard scale that increases maintenance costs, decreases heat transfer efficiency, and reduces boiler efficiency. Advanced Chemical System’s boiler water sludge conditioners are scientifically formulated to combat the build-up of boiler sludge, reduce maintenance costs, and maintain boiler efficiency.
Cooling Products for Heavy Industrial
Advanced Chemical System’s complete line of cooling water treatment chemicals have been scientifically formulated to optimize the performance of cooling towers in heavy industrial operations, as well as open and closed cooling systems that use water as a primary coolant.
The accumulation of microbiological slimes, biofilm and bio-fouling in cooling water systems reduces system efficiency, increases operating and maintenance costs, and raises risks to safety and health. Advanced Chemical System’s biodispersants are formulated for use in a wide variety of cooling systems, including cooling towers, re-circulating and once-through cooling water systems. Our biodispersants are formulated to effectively remove and disperse unwanted microbiological fouling, slimes and biofilm from cooling water systems. The result is increased system efficiency, optimized operating costs, reduced maintenance and shutdown periods, and improved safety control.
Corrosion Inhibitors
The negative impact of metallic corrosion can be an ongoing concern that affects the operation and maintenance of open and closed cooling water systems. To ensure these systems are well maintained and operate at optimum efficiency, it’s essential correct water conditions are maintained. Advanced Chemical System’s cooling water corrosion inhibitors have been formulated to protect cooling systems from the harmful effects of metallic corrosion.
Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors
The accumulation of scale and impact of metallic corrosion can be serious threats that affect the operation and maintenance of cooling water systems. Advanced Chemical System’s scale and corrosion inhibitors have been scientifically formulated to protect cooling systems from scale build-up and metallic corrosion in a single product. Our scale and corrosion inhibitors deliver improved performance, reduced maintenance costs, improved reliability, and optimized efficiency.
Equipment for Heavy Industrial
Advanced Chemical Systems offers a complete line of boiler and cooling chemical feed and control equipment. To improve water clarification and removal of system contaminants, ACS provides a wide range of filtration systems, including side-stream filters and sand/charcoal filters. From peristaltic and diaphragm pumps to shot feeder and bromine feed systems, ACS also offers a complete line of chemical feed systems. To enhance plant safety and chemical feed operations, ACS offers the AdvantaFeed System for a double-walled chemical feed operation.
Contact us for custom sizes, designs or configurations.
Chemical Feed Pumps
ACS offers several types of metering pumps with integrated control capabilities, including solenoid-driven, mechanically actuated, hydraulically actuated and peristaltic pumps, as well as integrated dosing and controls-packaged systems for municipal and industrial markets. Completely assembled, our systems offer easy installation, start-up, operation and maintenance.
Blowdown Control
Dissolved solids in cooling water need to be maintained at a specified level by a continuous or intermittent purge of the recirculating water. Advanced Chemical System’s automatic blowdown controllers are designed to open and close the blowdown valve based on conductivity limits, or modulate a blowdown control valve to maintain a conductivity setpoint.
Other Equipment Includes
Peristaltic Pumps, Diaphragm Pumps, Shot Feeder Systems, Bromine Feed Systems, AdvantaFeed Systems.